Sunday, May 31, 2009
Blog quickie
Yesterday, my best friend Linda finally came here all the way from Germany. I thought I'd never be able to find her in that overly busy international arrivals hall at the airport. But, luckily enough, after one and a half hours she came out. I am very happy she's here. She's such a joy to be around, our timing could not have been better. When we booked her flight, we didn't have a clue yet about what crazy times it'll be these days. Jim and I tried keeping her up as long as possible and she did a great job staying awake.
Being what I call a hardcore Christian, she's hauling us back to Joel Osteen today. I bet my in-laws will be laughing at this one because we were not too thrilled about everything going on in his mass. He's the best preacher I've ever seen, but all the dancing and clapping and not our thing. But I'm looking forward to his sermon, he might just say something that really helps me in my situation right now.
On the cancer stuff... I have more appointments tomorrow. I'll see my endocrinologist (phew! finally got that word down!) for the first time, do more blood works, have the anesthesia assessment and meet the anestheseologist. Of course, being a good patient, I have a list of questions ready for them aswell. Linda will come to MD Anderson with me so the wait won't be so boring this time.
That's about it, really. I hope you all are doing well, I miss hearing from some of you... Enjoy what's left of the weekend!
Love, Julia
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hooray for thyroid cancer!
Yesterday, I finally had the appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Grubbs. Jim was able to come with me so the wait was not too boring. We talked to several nurses etc. and I must say everyone working at MD Anderson is very friendly and skilled and positive. Since very sick people is everyday business in cancer city, it feels rather normal to talk about having cancer. Everyone there has been through what I am going through. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. To me, this facilitates going there a lot.
Anyway, we talked to Dr. Grubbs and asked her our 40+ questions about my prognosis, the surgery and long-term treatment. Turns out the fact that the cancer cells seem to have spread to at least 2 lymph nodes on my righthand side does not worsen my prognosis. The MD Anderson pathology has confirmed the previous diagnosis from the other hospital. Which is something I am happy about, since papillary thyroid cancer is the best-curable kind of thyroid cancer. The tumors usually grow slowly which means I've probably had that thing in me for years without having a clue!
Here is the long-promised picture of me with my head all the way back. The bump on the left of the center of my neck is Mr. Cancer himself. Can you see it?
My surgery has been scheduled for June 17. It will take approximately 5 hours if they have to do the lymph node dissection, too, which is more than likely going to be the case. I will have a little drain tube in the neck for a few days (just the mere thought of that makes me throw up in my mouth. I cannot take seeing cuts on my body, not to mention TUBES! YUCK!!!) and I'll have to stay in the hospital for about 3 days. Those times periods are all just estimates, of course, it all depends on how I'll be healing. Both my sister and Jim's sister said they would try to come here. I hope at least one of them will be able to come here, we need all the support we can get.
Also, I kept bugging that poor doctor about my flight to Germany on July 26. According to her it is 95% certain that I will be able to go home. I AM SO THRILLED ABOUT THIS! I couldn't think of a better rehab place than home.
About 4 weeks after the surgery, when the wound is fully closed and I'll be up and running again, I'll have to take a radioactive iodine pill. The iodine naturally goes to the thyroid tissue, since that is where it is needed in the body to produce hormones. As a matter of fact, the radioactive iodine is given to rid the body of any type of thyroid tissue left. This includes malignant tissue wherever a.k.a. spread. I will have to be isolated from anyone normal, i.e. anyone with a thyroid, for 24-48 hours. After that I should be fine and hopefully cancer-free. Of course there will be check-ups every 6 months but I have a good chance to be cured for a looong time once I'm done with this.
Picking up that lucky-thought again... I am so happy I do not have to get chemo therapy done. I am so thankful for getting the best treatment available for this disease. And of all the cancers out there, I think mine is by far the best. So, hooray for thyroid cancer! :)
Tomorrow we are going to Dallas. Haven't been up there in a while and the occasion is a real bright spot: we will be able to see my dear friends Mona and Chris. I'm so excited, it's been almost a year since I've last seen them. And there is a German bakery in Dallas AND a doner place. I certainly will make use of the cancer-induced no-weight-gain-period this weekend! :)
Also, my best friend is coming next Saturday. I have so many great things to look forward to. It's funny how now every day is a gift and despite all my pains and fears and nuissances I am happier than ever. Each day is a gift from God and I AM SO AWARE OF IT NOW. I better stop writing here. I am getting too thinky...
Take good care y'all. And if you have time, throw in a little prayer for me would ya?
Love, Julia
PS: And one more. The Hase and me at the Cheesecake Factory last weekend:

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Anyway, the night from Tuesday to Wednesday I only got about 3 hours of sleep. My mind was racing and mulling things over and jumping back and forth, pondering options, pondering possibilities. I kept waking up. So I woke up even earlier than I had intended and made it to my appointment just fine. The hospital is an insanely big place but pretty well structured so I had no problems finding the right offices. At first I did all the paperwork (among that an agreement that MD Anderson can use everything they take cut out of me for research. Alrighty then.), then my bloodwork got done. The wait time was not bad anywhere, although there were hundreds of people. Most of them looked very, very sick. Some looked like this was going to be their last place they turned to... Just made me think how I stood out there, all young and healthy looking and everything. And yet I was one of them. With the little "cancer patient" wristband and all.
After my blood got drawn I went to the radiology department for my ultrasound. It was the looongest ultrasound of my life and not very pleasant either. The us-technician did my entire neck veeery thoroughly. I have difficulty swallowing and breathing as it is and it feels like i have a very sore throat. So getting all the pressure over and over again was not a nice feeling. I kept talking to her and asked her what all that was and if it looked ok and it did. Until she said that 2 of my lymph nodes on the right side (the tumor side) looked suspicous. So they decided to do a biopsy to find out if the thyroid cancer cells had spread into my lymph nodes. After only about 20 minutes of waiting I got the result: positive. The lymph nodes contain thyroid cells, meaning the cancer has spread. BAM! Yet another piece of bad news. I didn't know what to say and pretty much fled this scene of misery. I just wanted to go home. I had been there for almost 5 hours anyway.
After I was over the initial shock and all the crying I researched some more. Many websites suggest that with thyroid cancer, spread to the lymph nodes is not only rather common but also not as bad news as it would be with another cancer. I'm not really buying that one yet, I will ask the surgeon about that later on today. I don't really feel ready to go back to cancer city again, but I certainly want the surgery scheduled. And they better let me do that today. I try to stay strong. But, frankly, I'm having a fucking hard time doing so. It was just yet another blow and I do not know how much more I can take.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Adding image
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May the force be with me
I started tutoring again yesterday which is just great distraction I must say. The kids are just a joy to be around. The mother, however, I still cannot stand. She's one of those "I married rich, I am so cool" people. Ridiculous. Anyway, since I missed all last week's lessons I wanted to talk to her about also tutoring on Wednesdays and of course she asked about the cancer story. I told her, showed her and just talked a bit about it. Sure enough she says "You're lucky huh". And I was just thinking: WHAT? I couldn't believe she had said that. How could I be lucky? I had just told her about me being sick. And I thought about it on the way home. And sure enough, I thought to myself that this lady was probaly right. Everyone who knows a little bit about cancer says that if you ever have to pick a type of cancer, pick thyroid cancer. They have the best treatment options for it. You can live without your thyroid. Thyroid cancer is not likely to spread and if it does, there is a radioactive pill that can take care of a lot. I've started thinking that she is right, that I AM indeed lucky.
Also, I talked to one of the girls on the forum yesterday and she said something, that's lingering in my head: Cancer is not an acute disease. I do want that thing out big time, but it is not acute!
And then, I also made a decision:
I will not give this cancer any more life or meaning than it has already stolen from me.
I'm telling you, all those ideas and trying to achieve a healthy mindset and live normally is hard work for me. But unlike last week, it doesn't feel like I cannot possibly live through it anymore. I know I will.
Before I end this I want to thank everyone for your support. It is so nice of all of you to lend me your ears and encourage me and be there. It means the world to me!
Yesterday a lady from Jim's work gave him a picture for me. She had made a little scrappage with a German poem on it. She'd said that they are praying for me, that noone should go through this and that was why she had made me the picture. I couldn't believe it, I've never even met this lady! Truly amazing...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Insert title here
At home Jim wanted some pizza so I popped one in the oven. I then watched "You've got mail" and he did school stuff. I had wanted him to pause school for this month so we'd have more time but for some reason that didn't work out. So I didn't see him much anymore last night and went to bed at 10.30. And now I am all ready to do stuff. As you can tell, life is becoming more normal around here again. It seems a bit surreal, but I guess noone can take freaking out for longer than a few days. I am going back to work tomorrow so that will be some distraction right there. Only 10 more days until my first visit at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Friday, May 8, 2009
My emotional roller coaster
As far as my appointment goes, I have an appointment at MD Anderson on May 20, they will do another ultrasound and bloodworks. On the 21 I will see Doctor Grubb, I am hoping and praying that he will be able to tell me more and give me a surgery date. They need to get going on this, it seems every day I feel that thing more and it's driving me nuts!
I can't believe how much for the worse this year has changed for us. I started out so great with me finding a job, getting LASIK done, getting a car, my license, working a lot... Jim and me were very happy. Then, my boss at work pretty much turned into satan until I couldn't take it anymore and quit. And then we were not able to get the house we wanted, which was a big blow. The owner's asking price was more than the appraised value of the house and he was not willing to go down a single cent. Just yesterday I learned that there is an option pending on this house, meaning someone else is in the process of buying it. GRRRRRRRRR!!! And then, I got this stupid, stupid, stupid cancer diagnosis. Not sure if I am more pissed off about this or if it just scares the daylight out of me. I think it's a mixture of both...
It's time for those to sleepyheads to rise and shine! I hope today will be just as nice. Jim doesn't have to work today, so we will be able to do something together. Everyone who reads this have a great weekend! I'll put on pictures soon.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I can feel it
What all doctors said who I've seen so far: "Be happy that it is in your neck and you found it so early. If something grows on the inside of your body beyond visibility, in the stomach for example, it usually does not get detected for years. And then, it is often too late." So I try to focus on all the positive things: I am young, otherwise as healthy as can be, thyroid cancer has a very good chance to be cured, over 90% of people survive it just fine.
If anyone is interested in a good article about it, check this out:
Also, I talked to the scheduling lady from MD Anderson again this morning. I can have an appointment with a different doctor who, however, works in a team with Nancy Perrier, as "early" as May 21. Well that sure sounds a lot better to me! I agreed to it and am now waiting for confirmation. I would still get through two weeks until then but I will be able to do that. Somehow. I hope I can get this appointment, right now they are talking to my insurance. That's another thing on top of it all, I have to worry about the financial means to cover the expenses to cure me. What the hell! What is a live worth?? And how much is too much? I refuse to think about this anymore. I hope time will go by faster with my sister here. I'll keep posting the latest news. Ciao for now.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The support is overwhelming
Day 2
I am trying hard to not lose my cool and figure out the best way to handle all this. It sure is a reality check to get a diagnosis like that. Makes every other problem seem so small, ridiculous and meaningless. I wish my mother could come here, but she just had varicose vein surgery and therefore is in no condition to fly. My best friend Linda is coming in late May though, I cannot wait for it. I try to keep myself entertained as much as I can although I do not work again because I am still too occupied thinking about that asshole cancer. After all I was only diagnosed about 30 hours ago. I am planning on going back to work soon. By the way, papillary thyroid cancer is rather curable with a survival chance of over 90%. Still, I feel right now I am closer to death than ever before. It is scary, but I am getting through this. I am determined to kick that fucking cancer’s ass!!!!!!