Yesterday, I finally had the appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Grubbs. Jim was able to come with me so the wait was not too boring. We talked to several nurses etc. and I must say everyone working at MD Anderson is very friendly and skilled and positive. Since very sick people is everyday business in cancer city, it feels rather normal to talk about having cancer. Everyone there has been through what I am going through. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. To me, this facilitates going there a lot.
Anyway, we talked to Dr. Grubbs and asked her our 40+ questions about my prognosis, the surgery and long-term treatment. Turns out the fact that the cancer cells seem to have spread to at least 2 lymph nodes on my righthand side does not worsen my prognosis. The MD Anderson pathology has confirmed the previous diagnosis from the other hospital. Which is something I am happy about, since papillary thyroid cancer is the best-curable kind of thyroid cancer. The tumors usually grow slowly which means I've probably had that thing in me for years without having a clue!
Here is the long-promised picture of me with my head all the way back. The bump on the left of the center of my neck is Mr. Cancer himself. Can you see it?
My surgery has been scheduled for June 17. It will take approximately 5 hours if they have to do the lymph node dissection, too, which is more than likely going to be the case. I will have a little drain tube in the neck for a few days (just the mere thought of that makes me throw up in my mouth. I cannot take seeing cuts on my body, not to mention TUBES! YUCK!!!) and I'll have to stay in the hospital for about 3 days. Those times periods are all just estimates, of course, it all depends on how I'll be healing. Both my sister and Jim's sister said they would try to come here. I hope at least one of them will be able to come here, we need all the support we can get.
Also, I kept bugging that poor doctor about my flight to Germany on July 26. According to her it is 95% certain that I will be able to go home. I AM SO THRILLED ABOUT THIS! I couldn't think of a better rehab place than home.
About 4 weeks after the surgery, when the wound is fully closed and I'll be up and running again, I'll have to take a radioactive iodine pill. The iodine naturally goes to the thyroid tissue, since that is where it is needed in the body to produce hormones. As a matter of fact, the radioactive iodine is given to rid the body of any type of thyroid tissue left. This includes malignant tissue wherever a.k.a. spread. I will have to be isolated from anyone normal, i.e. anyone with a thyroid, for 24-48 hours. After that I should be fine and hopefully cancer-free. Of course there will be check-ups every 6 months but I have a good chance to be cured for a looong time once I'm done with this.
Picking up that lucky-thought again... I am so happy I do not have to get chemo therapy done. I am so thankful for getting the best treatment available for this disease. And of all the cancers out there, I think mine is by far the best. So, hooray for thyroid cancer! :)
Tomorrow we are going to Dallas. Haven't been up there in a while and the occasion is a real bright spot: we will be able to see my dear friends Mona and Chris. I'm so excited, it's been almost a year since I've last seen them. And there is a German bakery in Dallas AND a doner place. I certainly will make use of the cancer-induced no-weight-gain-period this weekend! :)
Also, my best friend is coming next Saturday. I have so many great things to look forward to. It's funny how now every day is a gift and despite all my pains and fears and nuissances I am happier than ever. Each day is a gift from God and I AM SO AWARE OF IT NOW. I better stop writing here. I am getting too thinky...
Take good care y'all. And if you have time, throw in a little prayer for me would ya?
Love, Julia
PS: And one more. The Hase and me at the Cheesecake Factory last weekend:

Omg! You're adorable, I love your dress (and the strawberry shortcake!!) and this is all such great news!!
One thing I still can't get over here in the US is the fact that you'll have surgery and only be in the hospital for 3 (!) days... that's insane. But they definitely don't keep you any longer here than absolutely necessary. The best recovery will be your time back in Germany anyways!
I am smiling for all that great news!
Also das letzte Foto haetts jetzt nicht gebraucht... :(
Ich freu mich so ueber die neuen Nachrichten bei Dir!
Geniesst Euer Wochenende in Dallas!!!
Dicken Druecker,
ooooh-ihr seid ein schoenes Paar!
Das sind echt gute Nachrichten!
Das sind ja gute Nachrichten!
Ich hab glaube ich noch nie ein Foto von euch beiden gesehen. Ihr seit ein schoenes Paar :)
Very hübsches Bild!
Tja, Mr. Cancer, nicht mehr lange und du bist Geschichte! Freut mich, dass das Timing auch so ist, dass du gut nach Deutschland fliegen kannst (und natürlich auch die restlichen guten News!)
yay for dallas!!! *g*
es war echt klasse dass wir uns endlich wieder gesehen haben!! :D ich hoff des haut jetzt oefters hin, wo ich mein visum hab und alles. :) kannst du mir die fotos emailen von deiner cam? ich email dir die von meiner auch, morgen :) (das hotel-internet is unglaublich langsam!! lol).
hoff ihr seids gut heim kommen!
miss you already! ;p
*HUGS* :)
- mona
hallo kindi,
war wieder schön unser bayrisch-texanischer stammtisch - bin glücklich, dass es dir so geht jetzt!
Ich freu mich sehr für Dich und werd an Dich denken! Gut schaust Du aus!!!! (der Kuchen auch*hmpf*)
We love you, Julia, and are praying for your quick recovery. We are so glad you are part of our family and know you and Jim will be back to having fun and living the good life after your surgery.
Ron & Jonell
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