Thursday, July 2, 2009


I went for my last post-op check-up today. My scar is healing "beautifully", I guess different people do have different opinions of beautiful... The PCA - whatever exactly that is - said it looks like I had surgery one month ago and not just two weeks. The swelling is below the normal range - don't want to imagine what to them is normal!!! - there is no bruising, no infection, nothing. My calcium levels are in the low normal range so I need to keep up the calcium intake. The doctors were all happy with my progress, my range of motion is way better than last time too. But I still need to do physical therapy, I'll probably do that next week. There was one thing that concerned me a lot and them not at all and that was my high blood pressure. It probably comes from the hormone pills I am taking. We measured again at CVS on the way home and it was more than 20 points lower than at the hospital. Thank goodness! I really don't need anything else to worry me. I also saw the social worker and she told me about a cancer conference with a whole bunch of workshops that will take place here in September, I highly consider going there. I do neither know if I have to stop taking the hormones in order to prepare for the radioactive iodine yet nor when what will be done exactly, the surgeon doesn't know what the endocrinologist is planning so I need to figure that out. That's it, looking good still. I am glad Jim and I will have 3 days together now. Have a nice 4th of July everyone!
Love, Julia


Anonymous said...

Sehr schön, Julia. Du machst der deutschen Efficiency alle Ehre ;)

San said...

GREAT NEWS!! Ich freue mich riesig, dass alles so super verheilt... macht euch eine schönes Wochenende!!
