Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blog quickie

I haven't really had much news to talk about. At least nothing I wanted to share publicly.
Yesterday, my best friend Linda finally came here all the way from Germany. I thought I'd never be able to find her in that overly busy international arrivals hall at the airport. But, luckily enough, after one and a half hours she came out. I am very happy she's here. She's such a joy to be around, our timing could not have been better. When we booked her flight, we didn't have a clue yet about what crazy times it'll be these days. Jim and I tried keeping her up as long as possible and she did a great job staying awake.
Being what I call a hardcore Christian, she's hauling us back to Joel Osteen today. I bet my in-laws will be laughing at this one because we were not too thrilled about everything going on in his mass. He's the best preacher I've ever seen, but all the dancing and clapping and not our thing. But I'm looking forward to his sermon, he might just say something that really helps me in my situation right now.
On the cancer stuff... I have more appointments tomorrow. I'll see my endocrinologist (phew! finally got that word down!) for the first time, do more blood works, have the anesthesia assessment and meet the anestheseologist. Of course, being a good patient, I have a list of questions ready for them aswell. Linda will come to MD Anderson with me so the wait won't be so boring this time.
That's about it, really. I hope you all are doing well, I miss hearing from some of you... Enjoy what's left of the weekend!
Love, Julia


Anonymous said...

Aber nicht zu viel Spaß beim Warten haben ;) Wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß.
Osteen würde ich auch gerne mal live sehen, einfach so.

San said...

I am glad you friend is here. She'll be a nice distraction from everything that's going on and also great support for when you go back for your appointments.

Enjoy your time together! :)


Sandra W. said...

Ach so ein bissl religion tut dir bestimmt auch mal gut. muahahaaa. ;)
Geniest die Zeit ein Urlaub geht immer viel zu schnell vorbei.

Liebe Gruesse,

Anonymous said...

cool. geniess die zeit mit deiner freundin. echt perfect timing ;) ach ja und ich bitte um ein immediate shipment cheesecake nach dem foto aus dem letzten eintrag *schimpf*

Anonymous said...


ich hoff ihr zwei habt viel spass miteinander!! :D

miss you!

- mona