Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Every day is a gift, not a given right!

I have been rather busy now that Linda is here. Well at least so busy that I couldn't nap as much as I felt like. ;o) I will change that tomorrow. My endocrinologist professor said that it is very common that people with my thyroid hormone levels sleep a lot longer than normal every day, up to 16 hours a day. Yeah, it sounds like a lot. And if I could how I'd want, I'd sleep more than that!
The appointments at MD Anderson on Monday went fine. No bad new findings, wohoo! Just a little nuissance: They planned on giving me the radioactive pill on July 21. Ummm I sort of want to catch a flight on the 26th and I told them that. I hope something can be changed, because I really want everything done before Germany. We're still in the process of figuring everything out. I'm sure we'll find a good solution.
Having Linda here is a real joy. It is so nice to have someone here to talk to and hang out with and to do stuff with. I wish it wouldn't have to end. On the other end, I cannot wait for surgery day. In 2 weeks I'll probably be already at the hospital at this time. WUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA!! The closer it gets, the more nervous I get. But I made it pretty much clear to the anestheseologist that I will haunt him forever if he kills me... ;o)
On an entirely different note, we purchased a new laptop for me. Maybe I'll even get it before the surgery, but if not I definitely will for the flight to Germany. Check out the product demo, I think it's super neat:

Can't wait for it to arrive! I'm still waiting on all my cancer literature from Amazon, they sure are taking their sweet time with that shipment. Odd!

I think Linda is still asleep, so I will be online a bit. And then I'll talk to my Mama, a highlight every week. I'll post pictures of me and Oma Linda soon! :D

Happy late birthday Svenja! I did not forget!!! I hope you had a great birthday!
Love, Julia


san said...

I am glad you're having such a nice time with Linda! And I am hoping that everything will be done and you can catch your flight to Germany on the 26th!

P.S. Nice new toy! I need (ah, want!) a new laptop, too. Mine is 4 years old now and totally out-of-date.


Anonymous said...

auch du bist jede woche mein highlight, noch mehr, wenn du den krebs hinter dir hast und wir wieder über nur schöne dinge telefonieren können.
dass du vor der op schiss hast ist ganz normal, schließlich ist es deine erste größere sache in einem krankenhaus. aber du bist in den besten händen ALLES WIRD GUT !!

deine mama

Brown Sugar said...

Hallo suesse geniesse deine Zeit mit Linda und mach ganz viel Verreucktes grins. Big hug und der laptop ist echt schoen. Druecke die Daumen das alles so bald wie moeglich eintrifft. Und sag ihnen wir brauchen diese Pille ganz schnell grins denk an unser Vorhaben mit dem Footlocker..looooooooooooool

Stupserl said...

du bist eine starke Frau und finde du hast wahre Groesse...ich hoffe das ich dich mal live erleben kann. Geniesse deine Freundin und schlafe wann du schlafen willst

Annette Nicholson said...

The laptop looks cool and the built in webcam is awesome. I am so glad your friend Linda could visit you. It is so nice to have friends around to share with.

I really am pleased to know that you are facing all this and still have a postive attitude.

I am sure all will be fine soon and you can move ahead with the rest of your life.

We will be thinking about you and hoping for the best.
