Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy anniversary!

thank you for two wonderful years of marriage. I never thought I would meet and marry someone as kind, caring and understanding as you. I am madly in love with you and I always will be. Here is to many, many more years full of love and happiness for us. I would do it all over again. I love you Hase, happy anniversary!!!

Today it's been 2 years that we have been married. And it feels so much longer - but in a good way. We have been through so many ups and downs, I couldn't ask for a better man. Granted he still does and probably always will drive me nuts every once in a while, I've learned to appreciate even that part of our so unique relationship.

Last night I painted messages on Jim's car with red car chalk to surprise him when he'd go to work. Apparently all his colleagues said happy anniversary to him, too! lol And I bought a T-shirt that reads "My husband rocks!" and wore it today. I think he liked it. I thought it was pretty neat. Until he whipped out those stunning diamond ear studs. That man! Full of surprises! I felt a little bad with my lousy car painting and the shirt but he said he loved it. :)
Linda pretty much forced us to go out to eat alone to celebrate so we went to PF Chang's tonight. It was deliiicious! Those chicken lettuce wraps are awesome, I could eat just those there. It's been a lovely first anniversary together and it showed me once again how WELL worth it was to leave Germany to live here with him.

We have been pretty busy doing things with Linda. She had us go to Joel Osteen's church again on Sunday. Apparently, after going there 3 times they consider you a member there, so we are members there now. Not sure what to think of that. I love what he says and how he conveys it. The rest is a little too much. But it was definitely fun to go. Sunday night we met Ron and Jonell at Olive Garden. As always it was really nice to see them. We also went to the zoo, went for long walks in the park (in the TX heat! you can tell how much I love Linda!!!), went downtown and so much more. Every day something new. I just wish time wouldn't go by so fast.

Not only was it our anniversary today, I also received an awesome surprise gift from the world's best mom! MY MAMA!!! Well I have only her, but you know... ;o) She sent me shoes that I told her about, scarves for after the surgery so I don't have to show the wound all the time and 2 Michel aus Lönneberga DVDs. One of my favorite shows when I was little. Thank you so much Mama for this awesome surprise! You rock!!!

Here are some pictures from the past few days.

Ready to go to Lakewood Church:

Mikey's cuddle attack:

Too cool! Taking a picture like my students do:

At the Houston Zoo:

Looking up the Chase Tower:

Pimping the anniversary ride in the middle of the night:

The husband with my artwork:

Me, all happy about my new diamond ear studs. *BLING*


Sandra W. said...

Happy Anniversary! Die Ohrringe sind super schoen! Viel Spass noch mit deiner Freundin.

Liebe Gruesse,

Sazou said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Die Ohrringe sind wirklich total schoen! Und die Idee mit dem Car-Pimpin' find ich total suess!

Marlene said...

Hast nen tollen Catch gemacht, mit Deinem Jim. Sehr schoene, zeitlose Ohrringe. Happy Anniversary Euch Zweien ((HUGS))

Blacky said...

Mensch wie süss!!! Happy Anniversary! Das war so süss zu lesen!!!!

Anonymous said...

von mir auch noch mal happy anniversary. echt'n goldstück, was du dir da geangelt hast! :)

San said...

Happy Anniversary auch nochmal von mir... kannst Dich glücklich schätzen so einen Mann gefunden zu haben (und die Ohrringe..!! Schick, schick! :)).

Viel Spaß noch mit Linda und liebe Grüße,

Brown Sugar said...

Happy belated anniversary von mir. Die Ohrringe sind awesome. Das mit dem Auto total suess. Und du und deine Linda seit auch total goldig, schoene Fotos. Wuenscht ich haett auch jemanden der so cool ist.

Anonymous said...

Awww ... alles gute zum Hochzeitstag nochmal. Kim hat recht, da hast du einen guten Fang gemacht *lol*
Ich finde deine Idee mit dem Auto auch absolut süß!
LG, Dschordscha!