Sunday, July 5, 2009

My randoms / 0815

*I am waiting for:
Our new bigger better TV to get delivered already. We ordered it from, it was quite a bargain and I can't wait to hook it up!
*I am hoping for:
sunshine, but preparing for rain. You never know what life throws at you, I am still trying to take it one day at a time.
*I am dreading:
1)the fact that I have to stop taking my hormone pills tomorrow as well as start a low iodine diet which means I won't be allowed to eat anything salty for 14 days. They put salt in EVERYTHING! I will basically live of fruits and vegetables, some meat, nuts and diet coke.
2)having to do some more house hunting. The only thing I know is that I do not want to stay in our shitty little rental property for another year, I want to move in our own house. But it's getting sooo tiring and boring, hopefully something, a nice house that is, will come up soon.
*I am oh so very looking forward to:
seeing my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only 22 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I am afraid of:
too much. will change that soon due to an increased desire to enjoy life to the fullest and not let my fears hold me back. Go me!
*I am thankful for:
-my husband who not only loves me despite all the drama I have brought in his life, but also is my rock, cheerleader and best listener without complaining. Ever. IOU!
-being able to be treated at one of the best cancer hospitals in the world
-having my family and friends close no matter the distance
-having good health insurance
*I am convinced that:
everything happens for a reason
*I am:
a wife, daughter, sister, friend, cat-owner, dog-lover, neighbor, avid reader, cancer-patient, German expatriate, humorist, believer, chef in no particular order. I am coming to terms with my life, who I am and what I want. I will not be so foolish again to attempt planning because I sure have been shown that life just does not go as planned. But I have dreams in me and love and passion and all that is left to me is, again, hope for the best.
*I am not:
a crowd pleaser, political person, patient patient, mother, same person as I used to be. I just am what I am and most of the time I wouldn't want it any other way.


Anonymous said...

auch wir zählen die tage bis zu unserm wiedersehen und drücken dir bis dahin ganz fest die daumen, damit jeden tag die sonne mehr scheint für dich.

deine zwei

Anonymous said...

Habs jetzt 3x gelesen und finde den gesamten Post einfach spitze!!!
Alles wird gut. Irgendwie und irgendwann!

svennika said...

muss mich agnes unbekannterweise mal anschließen und möchte noch hinzufügen: am ende wird alles gut - wenn noch nicht alles gut ist, ist's noch nicht das ende ;o)
liebe grüße,

Anonymous said...

so how's the TV? and how is the saltless diet going? i love this post, too because it's so positive and full of love. <3 less than three weeks not 'til germany! yay!