Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Note from a small country

I'm finally back in Germany!!! Got here Monday night after 1 great flight from Houston to London thanks to Xanax and 3 Simply Sleep pills and 1 missed connection from London to Munich. I was taken care of sooo well, they wouldn't let me carry my hand luggage alone and I had to wait for a guy with a shuttle (Brits called it buggy) who insisted I need to claim and recheck my luggage, despite me protesting. The Lufthansa gals were very nice, though. I was so worried because I had no way of contacting my parents to let them know that I had missed my flight and knew how worried they would be. Sure enough they did call the airport police and it took them several attempts until a cop was able to obtain the info that I was not on the original flight and had been booked on the next one. My mom said they thought I'd had health problems on the long flight and had to go to the hospital in London! Poor Mama!!! She now quietly admitted that cell phones do serve a good purpose... lol We all were thrilled when I came out of the gate in Munich. And it is just lovely to be home. I've already seen some friends, walked around, had gooooooooood food that I've been missing far too long and have been enjoying myself so much. I am still fighting jetlag a bit but I hope to be on German time in a matter of days. I might have been hopping around a bit too much though, I feel pretty drained and of course good ole neck swell up again. So yeaaah, I'll kick back and relax tomorrow, I know I need to. I sent out quite a few invitations, hopefully everyone gets what they need to do. Will post pictures soon!
Bis bald, bleibts brav! :)
Love, Julia


Anonymous said...

Wieso haben die Dich im Buggy rumgefahren- warst Du so zugedroehnt?! :) Schoen zu hoeren dass der Flug diesmal recht angenehm war - sollte mir vielleicht auch mal ein paar happy pills zulegen!
Jetzt bleib aber mal dem Blog fern und geniess die Zeit in der Heimat. Und im Forum bleibst allen Themen fern die nur im Entferntesten mit Essen zu tun haben!!!
Uebertreib nicht, a bisserl solltest Dich schon noch schonen!

Ich drueck Dich,

Brown Sugar said...

schoen zu hoeren das es dir gut geht und das leben in germany in vollen zuegen geniessen wirst...big hug suesse und viellllllllll spass lol

San said...

Ach wie schön zu lesen, dass Du es Dir gut gehen lässt zuhause. :) Wie lange bleibst Du denn?

Marlene said...

Hier auch nochmal super viel Spass und vor allem tolles Biergartenwetter...Von vier Wochen haben wir ca.3 Wochen gefroren...Trotzdem, es war so schoen in der bayrischen Heimat zu sein. I miss it so much.......Geniess Deine Zeit mit Deiner Mama, ich wuenschte ich koennte auch schon wieder bei ihr sein.....
Alles Liebe aus SC

Anonymous said...

schoen das du gut angekommen bist. Geniess deine Auszeit in der Heimat. Hast du dir verdient.