Sunday, May 10, 2009

Insert title here

I'm feeling rather good today, not too worried at all. I think the initial shock is settling, but what do I know? I'm really hoping the husband has plans for us today (doubt it though) so once he gets up we can do something. The beach was a lot of fun yesterday. After he got me crying over a little thing before we even left out (I do not think he understands how oversensitive I am these days. I don't understand it myself...But I do cry daily, and not just once!) things changed for the better and we made it to the beach fine. We bought an umbrella plus sand stand beforehand because we learned our lesson 2 weeks ago when we got burned badly. Also, we bought two huge floating tires. Best purchase in a long time. It was a lot of fun sitting in those out on the stormy ocean!!!
At home Jim wanted some pizza so I popped one in the oven. I then watched "You've got mail" and he did school stuff. I had wanted him to pause school for this month so we'd have more time but for some reason that didn't work out. So I didn't see him much anymore last night and went to bed at 10.30. And now I am all ready to do stuff. As you can tell, life is becoming more normal around here again. It seems a bit surreal, but I guess noone can take freaking out for longer than a few days. I am going back to work tomorrow so that will be some distraction right there. Only 10 more days until my first visit at MD Anderson Cancer Center.


Sazou said...

Echt, morgen gehst du wieder arbeiten? Das hab ich gar nicht mitbekommen. Ich hoffe, dass du dort vielleicht etwas abgelenkt wirst! Das ist doch ganz klar, ich denke jeder waere etwas sensibel! Aber es freut mich zu lesen, dass du einen schoenen Tag mit deinem Mann am Strand hattest!

Anonymous said...

hey hasii, ich hoff du hattest nen schoenen tag heute! warum klappts ned dass sich jim ne pause nimmt von der uni? :(. denk an dich! *drueck* :)
- mona

Anonymous said...

hallo julia,

du bist eine starke-junge frau, die sich nicht vom krebs einengen läßt.
die einstellung weiter der arbeit nach zu gehen ist der erste wichtige sieg gegen den krebs.

weiter so !!!!

deine zwei

Alexandra said...

Du hörst dich so stark an. Das ist sehr positiv. Ich denk fest an dich
